講者:艾威 博士生(加拿大多倫多大學心理學系)
講題:Camouflaging, Autistic Sociality, and Bridging Communities: Implications for Understanding and Supporting Autism
時間:2024年05月07日(星期二)10:00 – 11:00
Camouflaging is a rapidly growing area of international interest in autism research. Understanding camouflaging provides a critical lens through which we can reflect on the social and mental health challenges experienced by autistic people as they navigate a neurotypical world. This talk discusses the transactional impression management framework to provide a theoretical foundation for camouflaging. It also underscores the "transactional" aspect of the model to position autistic sociality in context, proposing that autistic social challenges can (and should) be investigated in transactional and socially interdependent ways. To this end, I will share my ongoing research on autistic-neurotypical interpersonal alignment across social, emotional, and neural levels, and how this avenue may facilitate a new perspective on how autism should be conceptualized and supported.
I hope this talk will create a joint space for research and practice, facilitating stimulating discussions on how exploratory principles from these emerging research avenues may be practically and clinically implemented.
艾威博士生的研究整合了社會心理學、計算神經科學和臨床研究,並探討自閉症和典型神經發展者在社交互動中的樣態、印象管理和標籤化。現為 The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 研究員,並於 Social Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Group 進行研究。曾獲 Canadian Neurodevelopmental Research Training Platform Fellowship Award, Society for Autism Research Student and Trainee Award 等多項獎項。