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時間:20221229日(星期四)14:10 – 16:00






報告題目:Semantics-Syntax Processing of L2 English Under the Influence of L1 Chinese



Chinese is typologically unique because it is one of the only 5 languages whose relative clauses (RCs) are pre-nominal among the 421 languages with the SVO canonical word order. When Chinese natives are learning English as a second language, they encounter great difficulty in learning the post-nominal RCs in English. Significant plausibility effects were found at the head noun and matrix verbs in L1 Chinese RC processing (Lu & Tsai, 2011), and native Chinese readers may employ a heuristic (non-syntactic), “good-enough” processing strategy that depends largely on semantic cues like plausibility (Chou et al., 2018). This study investigates the L2 English processing of L1 Chinese speakers with an eye movement sentence-reading experiment manipulating relative clause types (SRC versus ORC) and the semantic features of plausibility (reversible versus irreversible thematic role assignment). L2 senior high school students’ eye movement data are collected in two sessions with 2 different reading goals: reading for comprehension and for translation. Native speakers also undergo 2 sessions but with the same goal: reading for comprehension. The Good Enough Theory predicts a reading strategy employing more heuristic (i.e., non-syntactic) cues to process sentences with an easier reading goal than with a more difficult task. The theory also predicts greater semantic effects for L2 learners than L1 speakers because of their lower proficiency. It is also expected that plausibility effects may be more significant than syntactic effects for L2 learners, though a dynamic pattern of processing may be observed.

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