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講者:Dr. Dwight Tse (School of Psychological Sciences and Health, University of Strathclyde)

講題: Staying engaged across the lifespan: Taking meaningfulness into consideration

時間:2022年11月03日(星期四)14:10 – 16:00

地點:Google Meet:




Well-being theorists have long debated whether human flourishing is achievable through deriving pleasure (hedonism) or achieving purpose in life and personal growth (eudemonism). Flow is a psychological state of engagement characterized by the co-occurrence of intense concentration and enjoyment, and it is considered as an optimal experience that fits both the hedonic and eudemonic paradigms. Active engagement in life has also been theorized by developmental psychologists as an important contributor to a positive developmental trajectory. In this talk, I will present my work on the pursuit and maintenance of flow experiences across the lifespan, with a focus on the dispositional factors (i.e., autotelic personality) that facilitate flow experiences in different life domains. I will also present my newest findings on meaningful engagement, such as prosocial actions, and its association with psychological well-being in multiple settings.



Dr. Dwight’s research interests include topics ranging from positive psychology and well-being science to aging and lifespan developmental psychology. Broadly defined, his work investigates the impact of flow experiences (a psychological state of intense concentration and enjoyment), meaningfulness, and prosocial acts on psychological and physical wellbeing, using diverse methods such as experience sampling studies (using smartphone app and wearables or traditional paper-and-pencil), secondary data analyses, and lab-based psychophysiological experiments. His recent work also examines age stereotypes, solitude, and ideal affect (affective states that people want to achieve).


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