- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Wing Tung Au;Derek Chun Kiu Lai, 2024.05, 'The Role of Game Riskiness on the Expectation-Cooperation Link in Social Dilemmas and its Relations with Fear and Greed, ' Judgment and Decision Making,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng;Dawn Yi Lin Chow*, 2023.11, 'How fear of Covid-19 predicts differential attitudes between nonphysician healthcare workers and other essential occupations, ' Social and Personality Psychology Compass, pp.e12925.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Rachel Hoi Yan Au*;Gary Ting Tat Ng, 2021.01, 'Mind perception and stereotype attribution of corporations and charities, ' British Journal of Social Psychology, Vol.60, No.1, pp.271–293.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng;Derek Chun Kiu Lai;Xianglong Zeng*;Tian Po Oei, 2019.03, 'Appreciative joy meditation enhances acceptance of unfair offer in ultimatum game, ' Mindfulness, Vol.10, pp.1673–1683.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Paton Pak Chun Yam;Gary Ting Tat Ng;Wing Tung Au*;Lin Tao;Su Lu;Hildie Leung;Jane M. Y. Fung, 2018.07, 'The effect of subgroup homogeneity of efficacy on contribution in public good dilemmas, ' PLOS One, Vol.13, No.7, pp.e0201473.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng;Wing Tung Au*, 2016.04, 'Expectation and cooperation in prisoner's dilemmas: The moderating role of game riskiness, ' Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Vol.23, No.2, pp.353–360.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*, 2024.07, 'The moral dilemma and social dilemma of autonomous vehicles: The role of perceived responsibility, ' International Conference on Social Dilemmas 2024, ICSD2024 organizing committee.(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Hayden Kam;Wing Tung Au, 2023.07, 'Linking moral dilemmas and social dilemmas: Are deontologists perceived as more cooperative in prisoner’s dilemmas?, ' 18th European Congress of Psychology, The British Psyhcological Society.(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Rachel Hoi Yan Au, 2021.02, 'Validation of meaning orientation scale in goal pursuit, ' Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention 2021, Society for Personality and Social Psychology.(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Rachel Hoi Yan Au, 2019.07, 'Development of meaning as effort and meaning as outcome orientation scale in goal pursuit, ' 13th Biennial Asian Association of Social Psychology Conference, Asian Association of Social Psychology.(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Wing Tung Au, 2019.02, 'When does the intuitive-cooperative effect exist? The role of game riskiness on the effect of decision time on cooperation in social dilemmas, ' Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention 2019, Society for Personality and Social Psychology.(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Wing Tung Au, 2018.03, 'I know you will cooperate, will I? Game riskiness moderates the expectation-cooperation link in social dilemmas, ' Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention 2018, Society for Personality and Social Psychology.(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Rachel Hoi Yan Au, 2018.03, 'How reading the Bible may or may not help dealing with a bothersome event, ' Society for Personality and Social Psychology Preconference 2018, Society for Personality and Social Psychology.(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Wing Tung Au, 2017.06, 'Extension of game riskiness model in prisoner’s dilemmas through expected utility perspective, ' 17th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, International Conference on Social Dilemmas.(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Chin Ming Hui, 2016.07, 'The role of risk attitude and uncertainty on believing in God, ' International Journal of Psychology, International Congress of Psychology, pp.51, 969.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Gary Ting Tat Ng*;Wing Tung Au, 2015.06, 'Expectation and cooperation in prisoner's dilemmas: The moderating role of game riskiness, ' 16th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, International Conference on Social Dilemmas.(*為通訊作者)
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- 以跨文化及實驗研究探討社會期許測量工具的效度
- 吳庭達
- 計畫主持人
- 2024年05月~2025年04月
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- 補助/委託機構
- 112
- 自駕車的道德兩難及社會兩難:以內疚情緒與社會規範做探討
- 吳庭達
- 計畫主持人
- 2023年01月~2024年03月
- 國科會